If your orbit downloader is not working and Websites like www.downloadyoutubevideos.com are not giving you source url of the videos, don't be surprised there is nothing wrong with your pc, software or the website.
To protect download of videos from youtube, youtube now uses a javascript method. I tested one video to see what exactly is happening, for video url http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=JJVTiC39LNk
youtube uses the following javascript method, which will be very difficult to get parsed,
function generateEmbed()
var query = '';
if (document.embedCustomizeForm.embedCustomization[0].checked) query += '&rel=1';
var height = 355;
var embedCode = '';
document.embedForm.embed_code.value = embedCode;
Anyways i used a javascript debugger to get hold of source url and i got the following code for the player.
embed id="movie_player" width="480" height="395" flashvars="hl=en&BASE_YT_URL=http://uk.youtube.com/&video_id=JJVTiC39LNk&l=113&t=OEgsToPDskIZgvM7KI9_HQi-mNLrwjn2&sk=-zKrL9NQ9VI5_GskkgLWKwU&sw=0.05&plid=AAQ9Gy4IvyQfnH46&playnext=0" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" name="movie_player" style="" src="/player2.swf?v=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
Important bit here is BASE_YT_URL=http://uk.youtube.com/&video_id=JJVTiC39LNk&l=113&t=OEgsToPDskIZgvM7KI9_HQi-mNLrwjn2&sk=-zKrL9NQ9VI5_GskkgLWKwU&sw=0.05&plid=AAQ9Gy4IvyQfnH46&playnext=0 but still i was unable to get hold of the flv file somehow. Well in few days someone will surely come up with a hack and updates will be posted on this blog.
For now Orbit downloader works on videos embedded on websites other then youtube, so if you want to download a video click on links under the video, and go to website which is embedding that video, use Orbit grabber to download the video.
Youtube might restrict this also in future, so you better go and start downloading all our favorite videos now.
This website http://www.witube.net/index.php gave me the download url, so better bookmark it.
If you use firefox, then this addon is also working.
I have been thinking of posting on this blog for long, but never had a chance, this might be my first of hundreds of interesting articles to come.
Please if you have any questions or suggestions you can post them in comments section and i will try to answer them for you.