02 December 2008

Marvi Menon, Marvi Menon Biography, Blog, Views

Marvi Memon (Urdu: ماروی میمن) is a politician from Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. Marvi Memon is a member of of Pakistan's National Assembly. Marvi Memon's father, Nisar Memon is a prominent politician and Senator in Pakistan belonging to Pakistan Muslim League (Q).


After schooling in Karachi and Paris, Marvi Memon graduated from the London School of Economics with a B.Sc. (Economics) Honors in International Relations. With internships at Dawn, Newsline, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, International Union for Conservation of Nature. She started her career as a banker at Citibank where she specialized in Marketing and Quality Management. After that, she launched Pakistan's first satellite tracking fleet management concern which established her as an entrepreneur and the youngest women CEO at the time. Her next assignment led her to advising the military and the Presidency on media management. She then advised the government on investment in an honorary capacity. She is politically affiliated with Pakistan Muslim League (Q).

She has a son. She enjoys playing golf and painting. She has publications in journals and newspapers relating to foreign affairs in her name.

Responsibilities in the National Assembly

Marvi Memon is a member of the National Assembly committees on:

    * Foreign Affairs
    * Finance
    * Women Development
    * Defence
    * Law
    * Science & Technology
    * Legislative Training and Environment


Pakistan is faced with its worst national security crisis. We need to unite for stability and security. 

List of Indian belligerence which has created regional instability in the 'National Security' category section. This should strengthen government's position whilst appealing to world powers.



Pakistan should mobilize regional security organizations against Indian offensive fast


Let there be no confusion that we condemn terrorism in all its forms and support joint resolution signed by political leadership regarding Mumbai blasts. Let there also be no confusion that India has launched a diplomatic offensive on Pakistan at the international level. In view of this Pakistan should also launch a diplomatic offensive rather than a defensive on India and provide the world with details of India's efforts to destabilize the region and Indian human rights excesses. It is because of the government's appeasement of Indian aggression of last 8 months that India is today in a position to launch this attack on Pakistan. Had the government followed dignified foreign policy as demanded by us the opposition today we would not be in the middle of a national security crisis.


US support for India is obvious. President elect Obama's statement that India will be in its rights to attack Pakistan in retaliation of militants hiding in Pakistan is not a pro Pak stance. Nor is Rice's order that absolute cooperation needs to be given by Pak to India or that we should follow the evidence and act on it. We already know that and our government will do that as responsible state. Madeline Albright has called Pakistan an international migraine. Condy Rice is blessing us with a 5 hour visit only for what arm twisting bully purpose? US media is also singing same tune as Indian media and is naming LT as the organization behind attack without proof. US intelligence had warned India of attacks from the sea in October and despite this there was a systemic failure of entire Indian security apparatus as is noted by the Indian navy. The way to handle such joint US-Indian offensive is not by exposing the President to an Indian talkshow host grilling our president (bad move by his media team) or by expressing delayed gratitude to Hillary for receiving Mohtarma at White House. Nor is it by having loose statements of Interior Ministry saying Lashkar Jhangvi exists in Karachi meaning we know about it and we cant control it, thus giving excuse to Indians to identify Karachi as attack originator. Nor is it by giving away first nuclear strike usage? Instead it requires demanding from India answers on how it has increased regional instability on following occasions. Infact the regional security organizations and international community need to resolve following outstanding issues in the region:


Why has India increased military presence in Afghanistan? Why has India started work on Ladakkh airbase? Why did India invite foreign military chiefs to Siachen which is disputed territory? Why is India trying to change IHK demography by transferring land illegally to Hindu Shrine Board? Why is India continuing to block Pakistan's water and making illegal structures against Indus water Treaty? Why are Indian organizations doing anti Christian and Muslim genocide activities and Indian government allowing such organizations to exist? Why is India building military might in region, impacting regional balance? Why is India encircling Pakistan and China at the behest of US? Why is India deploying nuke warheads near Srinagar? Why are Indian human rights excesses in IHK including unmarked graves issues going unchecked? Why is India deploying extra 5 battalions in IHK? Why is India imposing economic blockade in IHK and no international community coming to Kashmiri help? Why are Kashmiri leaders killed and no action taken against perpetrators? Why is India blaming Pakistan for LOC violations which it creates itself? Why is India getting away with accusing Pak of all blasts in India including Mumbai with no evidence? Why is India and US media attacking our state institutions like ISI and putting threats of attack on our territory linked to alleged terror camps getting away with it?  Why is India building bases/ consulates around Pak in neighbouring Iran and Afghanistan with no real need other than encirclement? Why does India get away postponing composite dialogue process every time tempers get raised over blasts? Why is India not being taken to task over its 100 homegrown separatist organizations which are result of Indian policies of marginalization? Why is India maintaining 700,000 troops in IHK who have killed over 90,000 Kashmiris? Why does India keep presenting same old list of wanted men without realizing Pak has already given response on them? Why does the Indian High Commissioner meet Nawaz Sharif minus other important opposition leaders?


We have to strengthen government's hands by insisting on India's accountability through diplomatic offensive and through regional security organizations like Shanghai cooperation organization and others. If we want peace in the region then the mentality in Indian youth that we are one big nation that got split in 1947 and should get back together needs to end. We are proud of fact that we are independent nation and we intend staying independent. They should stop dreaming of larger India. We have to insist that national security advisors of both countries head joint probe. That is best suggestion given by my leadership and we need to make India agree to it. If it doesn't it is not being transparent. We are patriots who will not take India's bullying. We are the new leadership of Pakistan. We want all outstanding issues resolved with India including core issue of Kashmir without which regional stability is not realistic. We want peace but with dignity.