A property fair, SBI Home Loan Mahostsav 2008, has been organized by State Bank of India. The three-day fair was inaugurated by the bank's Chief General Manager, Bengal Circle, Mr Jayanta Kumar Sinha, here on Tuesday. A cross-section of builders and real estate developers catering to both low-income as well as high-income segments such as Bengal Ambuja, Eden City, Mayfair Villa, Fortune Group, RDB Industries, Sherwood Project, Sanjeevani Group, Merlin Projects, Vinayak Enclave and Tapojyoti Constructions are showcasing their projects and products in the fair, according to a press release issued by SBI. New India Assurance, SBI Life Insurance, SBI Mutual Funds and Mohan Motors are also participating in the fair. There will be spot approvals for home loans and car loans, the press release adds.