13 October 2011

Facebook Wall History - Friends - Search & View My Entire Wall

Facebook is a wonderful tool, it lets you connect with your friends and relatives makes it easier to make new friends and people now use it as a dating platform to find partners.

Over the years we post hundreds of status messages and we share hundreds of links and photos on our Facebook wall, then there are wall posts on our wall by our friends to wish us happy birthday or random conversation.

At the end of day we have accumulated so much information on our Facebook wall, that if someone goes through our entire wall they can easily understand what kind of person we are, and what we have been doing for last few years, our ups and downs in life and hell lot of other information.

Then we have a curiosity about how to check our friends, girlfriend's, boyfriend's , daughter's, wife's, husband's or son's wall history, how to check wall to wall conversation between two people on Facebook, how do i check complete old history of someone on Facebook.

For all these questions we have a solution for you, it's pretty easy and it will let you check your own or your friend's Facebook wall / timeline history right till the end or we can to the day they joined Facebook, the day they made their first wall post

Before we start, you should know how to get your or your friend's Facebook profile Id.
1) If you open your profile page or your friend's profile page

and look into the url bar you will find something like this

http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=12345678 , the part "12345678" will be different for everyone, and that part is your profile id. store that somewhere for future reference.

2) With facebook allowing new name aliases, some people have their profile url's as
http://www.facebook.com/bill.gates again bill.gates is their alias Id, you can save that as well for future reference, but we need that numeric id as well, for tht go to any picture of the person you are trying to get info about.
save that picture and look for the name with which that Facebook picture got saved.

It will be something similar to

the part  12345678 (3rd last id in image name) is profile id of that person, again save it somewhere for future.

Now coming back to our main topic

Tip 1: How to check Wall to Wall between two people/friends on Facebook
The best way to do that is go to their friendship page, whenever you open one of your friend's page on the right hand side you might see a link which says see friendship, you can see the same link under any wall post made by you or someone else on your friend's or your own Facebook wall.Click on that link to go to Facebook Friend's history.

But if you could not find any such link you should do it manually by yourself

just visit the url


replace the part USER1_ID and USER2_ID with numeric id or alias id of two people whose wall to wall facebook history you want to see.

after replaceing the url should look something like this


This way you can read all the conversation between two friends on Facebook and you can easily understand how they are related to each other and what kind of relationship they have.

The only Con and a big one about our first Tip is that it works only when two people you were trying to know about are your friends and their walls are open for you, or if both of their walls are open to you even when they are not your friends.

But in most of the cases when we want to search for someone's facebook wall history and their conversation history with their friend to know about their relation, we only have one person as friend and it's a pain to click view more again and again to go all the way down on facebook wall.

To overcome this problem please read our Tip 2:

Tip 2: How to check facebook wall history by date and profile

First thing is that you have to get profile Id of the person you want to check facebook wall history of,  by following the steps described earlier.

second thing you have to do is get unix version of date and time you want to check history about. 

once you have both of that information, replace them in the following url and Bingo!! you will have history of facebook profile in seconds. 


PROFILE_ID = http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000804271494the 100000804271494 part is profileId

UNIX_TIME = it's the time you want to check the posts about,  you can get from her http://www.onlineconversion.com/unix_time.htm

enter the above parameters
to make it look something like this http://m.facebook.com/wall.php?id=123456&filter=13&time=123455666&refid=20

If you are thinking how does it serves the purpose of going all the way down in my friend;s facebook wall, well what you should do is, try to check their history for 1 jan 2010, 1 jan 2009 1 jan 2008 and so on, stop where it shows on wall posts and then try a little higher date.

The second one always work for me and is much easier than what it looks like.

Well try it and let me know how you go about it.

PS: if you want to share this article on your blog, then please link to us as we spend considerate amount of time to write these articles so please appreciate that