08 October 2011

How To Stop People From Copying Your Pictures On Facebook

If you are someone who posts lots of pictures on Facebook, but also meet lots of new people every now and then at college/university, clubs, pubs, events, traveling or so many other places.

In today's changing time, no one asks for your mobile number straight up, but they do ask you for your Facebook and some of them are persistent enough to add you right away.

Well there is nothing wrong in making new friends, but Problem with making them your friend on Facebook is that they can get to know you and your while history, about your friends and family in matter of hours. Especially with new Facebook Timeline this will be the case.

It's okay if they read your status messages or check out all the links you have posts, but what's scary is that when someone you hardly know can gain access to all your uploaded pictures and videos and can download them as well.

All they have to do is go to your Photo and click on download link and that's it they will have it saved on their PC. If that's not worse enough, they can easily create a Facebook APP which will let them download all of your pictures in one GO.

Someone can actually download 100's of your pictures on Facebook in matter of minutes.

If you use IPhone or android phones, you can easily find apps there which lets you download your friends photo albums. Whenever a friend of yours allow some random Facebook app to access their friends information, it's giving permission to a random app made be a random person access to all your data on Facebook.

Facebook is free and there is hardly you can do about things like these, but if you follow the following measures you can save yourself from trouble.

Before we start the tips, please make yourself ware of two most important lists on your Facebook (close Friends & Restricted). You can see them on this page
(Facebook Lists)

1) Don't upload pics, which you think if get out on public will be embarrassing for you for the rest of your life. (tip: try not even clicking such pics, and if you did just delete them). As we say, to protect your secret pics/videos you should never make some.

2) But if you don't mind clicking them and do want to share them with the world, share them with your close friends. Just add your most trustworthy friends on Facebook to (Close Friends) list. That way whenever you upload new photos to Facebook, just share them with them for a start, especially after a hangout in downtown with your friends. Slowly you can start sharing them with other list of friends like "college friends" etc.

Tip: If you don;t know how to make Facebook friend lists please read our tutorial (How to create Facebook friends lists)

3) Add all of your new friends (unless you know them very well) to Restricted list, anyone who is inside restricted list wont be able to see all of your content. they will just be added to your friends list and that's it. They cant access your past wall posts, status messages, your pictures or videos. As you start knowing them gradually and meet them few more times then you can upgrade them to a new list which shows them some information

4) Most important use of adding new friends to restricted list and keeping only trusted ones in close friend lists is that you wont end up sharing your photos with all the apps on Facebook to whom your friends have subscribed too.
No matter what even if you have shared a pic of you with only single friend of yours, if he ends up subscribing to an app that takes permission from him to access his friends photos /wall posts that means that app can access your photos.

You allow your friend => he allows the app => the app has permission to your content.

I know this sucks and does not make any sense, but this is how it is.

5) If by now you are scared of Facebook and it's apps, don;t worry you can restrict apps from using your data via your friends by opting out of it.

please Go To
Privacy Settings => Apps and Settings (Edit Settings) => Information accessible through your friends (Edit Settings)

Now unpick all the things you don't want to share with those Apps :)

We will continue to add more ways to stop people from copying or downloading your pictures on Facebook