10 December 2008

IUware , iuware.iu.edu Website Down, Slow Response Time

The IUWIRE Website is down at the moment cause of server load.

What is IUware?

IUware is a collection of software that is provided to faculty, staff, and students in the Indiana University.

What is IUware Download?

The IUware website is designed only for those who can get pass the Central Authentication Service of IU. However a design flaw in the IUware Online platform, allowing anonymous users download any software listed without logging in.

How is it possible?

Take a look at http://iuware.iu.edu/title.aspx?id=513. This software can be freely downloaded by anyone without logging in. Analyzing the traffic reveals the download is issued by a POST command to the original URL plus the post data btnDownload=Download and the __VIEWSTATE variable. Surprisingly, this method works even for those softwares that requires login. This page is implemented by POSTing the required information to the webpage, and the suitable file will be returned.

How do I download a software?

Pick the software you like from the website. Then note down the last part of the URL (which looks like title.aspx?id=618). The number part (e.g. 618) is the software ID of it. Input this into the box above, and then just click Download.