Responding to a question on the Aakash tablet, in the Lok Sabha, HRD Minister, Kapil Sibal informed that IIT Rajasthan had selected Datawind through an open tender and had placed an order for supplying 1,00,000 tablets for the purpose of testing. Of the 6440, tablets supplied to it, IIT Rajasthan, so far, has conditionally accepted 650 tablets and rejected rest of the lots as the number of defective tablets in those lots exceeded the stipulated 5% of devices. The government has distributed 366 tablets, so far.
This is a shocking news, this initial LOT was distributed on 5th october on the launch of Aakash Tablet.
According to our sources DataWind gets 44,000 calls everyday, and thousands of people are placing orders everyday. But There has been no distribution at all.