12 November 2008

Eight Dream Symbols That Point to Stress

You're walking down the street, going to work, or just standing in a crowd … naked. You're mortified that you forgot your clothes, but nobody seems to notice. Sound familiar?

According to Gustavus Hindman Miller's 10,000 Dreams Interpreted, dreaming that you're nude in public foretells scandal and unwise engagements.

Dream Moods, a popular dream interpretation Web site, says dreaming about being naked shows you're feeling vulnerable or shameful. You could be feeling inferior at work, or feel unguarded or exposed in a situation.

My storm of choice in dreams is always a tornado. I look outside, see a funnel cloud forming, and for some reason, I run right to it. For other people, it can be hurricanes, avalanches, or rain storms.

This one's pretty simple to crack—dreaming of a storm symbolizes an internal storm in your life.

Dream Moods says storms signify "overwhelming struggle, shock, devastating loss, and catastrophe in your personal affairs."

Miller says storms in dreams mean continued sickness, unfavorable business, and separation from friends—all things that will cause great distress. The good news is if the storm passes before you wake up, the stress won't be as bad.






Losing Teeth

Full Explanation at http://www.divinecaroline.com/article/22201/59780-eight-dream-symbols-point-stress/3