25 February 2009

icsi, cs results, cs results december 2008, icsi.edu, icwai, icsi results

icsi, cs results, cs results december 2008, icsi.edu, icwai, icsi results

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India

24Hrs Helpline: 011-41504444
Website: http://www.icsi.edu/

ICSI is a premier National Professional body established by Act of Parliament to develop and regulate the Profession of Company Secretaries.

ICSI imparts training in Company Secretaryship by Distance Learning (by correspondence) enabling students to qualify as Company Secretaries. The Institute provides "Course Material" for all the subjects at the time of Registration. There is also provision for Optional Oral Coaching classes. Examinations are held twice a year in June & December.

Visit www.icsi.edu for information on Admissions to the CS course and latest notifications including Examination results.

www.icsi.edu - CS Results, Company Secretary Career at ICSI

ICSI latest notification
Candidates can subscribe to Get the CS Result of December 2008 session through email by visiting the following link:


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