Out of these 3 million, around 2 per cent has paid full value for priority delivery, Datawind CEO Tuli told Business Today.
At Rs 3,000 per tablet, a little back-of-the-envelope calculation will tell us that Tuli already has around Rs 18 crore-Rs 20 crore in his pocket. Many of the smaller Indian domestic mobile phone makers catering to regional markets are yet to cross this mark.
Tuli claims he is getting daily fresh orders of 8,000 to 10,000 pieces. While there is plenty of demand, delivery may not be able to meet the schedules. Tuli said he's even considering alternative manufacturing avenues, but DataWind may have trouble meeting demand. "We expect to get 3 lakh to 4 lakh tablets a month and still a lot of people will be unhappy that devices are not coming," says Tuli.