Government's Aakash II tablets, expected to be launched this year will carry the same configuration as Ubislate tablets, i.e, a 800 MHz Cortex A8 processors on Android 2.3 platform.
"We have tied up with distributors across India. The tablets will be available by May-end only after we have fulfilled the existing orders," said Suneet Singh Tuli, CEO of Datawind.
For internet access, Datawind has tied up with Aircel, which will offer an unlimited internet plan at Rs 98 per month on 2G/GPRS for the Ubislate tablets.
The Ubislate7c (capacitive touch) tablets priced at Rs 4000 will carry an internal flash memory of 4GB. The resistive versions will carry internal memory of 2GB and will be priced at Rs 3000.
The tablets will carry one standard USB port. "Our customers who made pre-payments for earlier version of the tablet will get the upgraded version," Tuli added. He said that a break up with Quad has jeopardised the delivery schedule for the tablets, and he is looking for more suppliers.
For manufacturing the tablets in India, Datawind has tied up with Hyderbad based VMCSystems after a break-up with Quad.